The fear of being alone

Samstag, 1. April 2017

In a world, where it seems that you can have everything no matter where and no matter when, fashion delivered overnight for an event the next day, ghost writers for your school papers, or even food, there is one thing that you cannot buy: love. What happens if you long for someone to take care of you, to hold you in your arms when you’re down, to kiss your tears away, to pick you up from work while waiting at the fence, to share life with, to come home to every day, to respect you, to give you the feeling that you are special or to clasp your hand when society judges you again with their looks when walking hand in hand through the city? You cannot just go on google and order someone that does these things to you. Going online on many of the now trending dating applications seems to be hopeless when the majority of the people on there wants to have you for a quickie. Feelings often do not play a role then. It is rather satisfying human needs like sex which is disgusting when all you are looking for is pure love. Day after day you try to forget about the fact that there is no one there. You go to school, you meet up with friends, you do sports, you try to forget about that someone that is not there (yet). At the same time you definitely do not forget that gap in your life. You will remember it when it is time to go home all by yourself at the latest. That moment when you say goodbye to your friends and it is time to hit the road and go home. Night after night you come home to your place where nobody is waiting for you. Maybe you are lucky and your parents are home, but still, they are not this gap filling replacement you are looking for. This is the time where you are hit by a feeling. Can you already feel it? It is right there. It is waiting for you. It is filling your tummy with this uncomfortably sick feeling. That is the fear of being alone.

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Marcel / living in thrilling Germany / 20 something thrilling years / roller coaster riding world traveler / Thrillkeeper